Safe Internet Day 2017

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The wonderful WWW.

Since the idea of sharing information in the past 2 decades has continually flourished more and more of our private lives have been placed on the public domain for easier communication and research.

This has all come at a cost for internet users. We’ve been so “free,” to post things on social media and allowing more and more individuals we may not know into our lives. But there are plenty of positive reasons to be online – reconnecting with family members / friends / coworkers etc. Nowadays companies such as / and even have simplified the ways that people connect and getting them closer than ever.

Behind all the “web-sense,” there should also be some oversight in the things you share online. We are connecting faster and easier at the speed of light. Communication, family, networks are all a part of our lives and safety should always be a priority for information online.

Safer Internet Day – officially existed and began in 2012 a joint effort of the US Dept. of Homeland Security as well as the EU commission to help guide individuals into safer search that would be meant to help our youth. Each year a theme to promote this safety where children, educators and families can focus on technology and their social implications to online bullying and life changing communications that have helped bring everyone together.


Check your local or city municipalities to see if there are any local free classes that help teach and protect you and your family to search the web more safely. This year’s theme is to “be the change: unite for a better internet.” So be an activist for your family. Discuss and potentially change the settings on your internet search to ensure that you’re properly searching the internet. Avoid scams, bullies and “random friend requests,” you don’t know.

If you are in the Twin-Cities we can put together 1 hour mini lessons to help you and the family recognize how to surf the net properly.


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